Sunday was the first day of fall climbing, and it was truly magnificent. After a week of rain the sun came out and illuminated a dry 75 degree day full of hard climbing. Lang, Katie1, Katie2, and I set out earlyish to Drive-By.
Team PBR got the day started with some onsights and flashes of Whip-Stocking (5.11a) and Yadda Yadda (5.11b), both of which were enjoyed by all :) Lang then gave Check Your Grip (5.12a) a burn, and I gave it a go on Beer Belly (5.13a) - an awesome 5.11d layback flake into a v5 traversing pocket problem!
Next on our agenda was an afternoon at the Motherlode where Katie E. redpointed Ale8 (5.12b) for the first time- Go Katie! I gave 2 burns on the amazing and brutally hard 8 Ball (5.12d), and one on Stain (5.12c). Lang gave Chainsaw Massacre several burns and also sent Injured Reserve (5.11a) after finding the hidden crimp ;)
All in all a fantastic day even to be outside! Great to feel motivated again to climb til your fingers bleed, and siked to continue to get stronger into the amazing fall season at the Red!
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